The IELTS exam is conducted and administered by the British Council, IDP and Cambridge ESOL Examinations for both IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training formats of the Exam. The IELTS is an English Language Proficiency exam that tests the English language ability of people who intend to study or work where English is the language of communication. The exam is a test of the IELTS Listening, IELTS Reading, IELTS Writing and IELTS Speaking skills of the exam taker.

It is to be noted that the Listening and Speaking sections would be the same for IELTS academic and IELTS General Training modules, however, Reading and Writing are different in structure for IELTS Academic and General Training Modules.

IELTS syllabus 2022

Ielts is completed in four sections.

Listening (Four sections, 40 questions)                        30 minutes

Reading (Three sections, 40 questions)                60 minutes

Writing (Two tasks)                                        60 minutes

Speaking (Three-part one-on-one conversation)           11-14 minutes


Exam Pattern of IELTS 2022

The IELTS exam has two test-taking variants from which the students can choose to depend on their comfortability. As a student, it is important to know the IELTS exam syllabus and IELTS exam pattern of each variant to help one prepare better.



Listening:                40 minutes

Reading:                  60 minutes 

Writing:                   60 minutes

Speaking:                 11-14 minutes

Total Duration:         174 minutes


Listening:                30 minutes

Reading:                  60 minutes 

Writing:                   60 minutes

Speaking:                11-14 minutes

Total Duration:        164 minutes


IELTS Test Component

1. IELTS Academic and General Listening

General Rules and Guidelines

In the end, Candidates will be given 10 minutes to copy the answers onto the answer sheet (Only in the case of the Paper-Based IELTS test)

Spelling is important –can use both British and American spelling but should stick to one type.

The answer sheet has two sides One for the Listening test / One for the Reading test

[04 Sections / 40 Questions]

IELTS Listening Components

Below are the components of ielts listening section

  • Section 1: Conversation between two peoples in an everyday social context.
  • Section 2: Monologue (A talk by a single speaker based on a non-academic situation, e.g. in a film, play etc.)
  • Section 3: Conversation (Four Speakers -based on academic topics or course-related situations)
  • Section 4: Academic Lecture (Monologue)

Format Of IELTS Listening Section

Number of Recordings:   4

Duration                  :     30 minutes (10 minutes transfer time)

Marking                  :     1 mark for each correct answer

Number of  Questions   :     40 (10 in each part)

  • Part 1 (Audio 1) An audio recording in which a conversion between two people in an everyday social context will be included.
  • Part 2 (Audio 2) An audio recording with a monologue set in an everyday social context will be included.
  • Part 3 (Audio 3) A conversation between people up to four, set in an educational or training context will be included.
  • Part 4 (Audio 4) An audio recording with a monologue on an academic subject will be included.

Types Of Questions In IELTS Listening Section

  1. Multiple Choice Questions 
  2. Matching 
  3. Plan, Map and Diagram Labelling 
  4. Sentence Completion 
  5. Form, Note, Table, Flow- chart, Summary Completion

IELTS Listening Score Calculation

IELTS listening score is calculated based on the number of right answers. There are a total of 40 listening questions in the IELTS exam. One mark is given for each correct answer. The total number of correct answers out of 40 is equated to an IELTS listening score band of 9. In the academic and general IELTS listening bands, there are no deductions for incorrect responses


2. IELTS Reading (Different for Academic and General Training Modules)

General Rules and Guidelines

  1. All candidates are required to read three texts of between 2,150-2,750 words
  2. The texts and questions increase in difficulty
  3. All answers should be recorded on the answer sheet within 60 minutes. 
  4. Each question is worth one mark
  5. No penalty for wrong answers
  6. Spelling is important – can use both British and American spelling
  7. No Transfer time is Given

IELTS Reading Components

Below are the components of IELTS reading syllabus:

  1. Texts are taken from books, magazines, journals, newspapers, notices, advertisements, company handbooks, and guidelines.
  2. All written for a non-specialist audience
  3. At least one of the texts contains a detailed argument
  4. Text range from descriptive and factual to discursive and analytical
  5. It May contain non-verbal materials such as diagrams
  6. The length and Difficulty level of reading passages increase with each passage.
  7. Passages are different and shorter for General Training IELTS
  8. Questions Vary from Summary Completion, Matching Heading to Paragraphs, Yes/ no /not given, True/ False/ Not Given, Multiple Choice questions, Table completion, Matching Information, Sentence completion and short Answers.

[3 sections]

Format Of IELTS Reading Section

Parts                          3 Passages

Duration                          60 minutes

No. of Questions          40

Marks                               1 mark for each correct answer


Types Of Questions In IELTS Reading Section

  1. Multiple Choice
  2. Identifying Information
  3. Identifying writer’s views/claims
  4. Matching Information
  5. Matching Headings
  6. Matching Features
  7. Matching Sentence Endings
  8. Sentence Completion
  9. Summary, note, table, flow-chart completion
  10. Diagram Label Completion
  11. Short-answer Questions

3. Writing (Different for Academic and General Training Modules)

General Rules and Guidelines 

  • Allocate about 20 minutes for Task 1
  • Allocate about 40 minutes for Task 2
  • Task 2 is worth more marks

IELTS Writing Components 

Below are the components of IELTS writing syllabus:

  • Task 1 (IELTS ACADEMIC) Presents a table, graph, chart or diagram. The candidate must describe and explain data, describe the stages of a process, and describe an event or an object. (150 words approx.)
  • Task 2 (IELTS GENERAL TRAINING) Presents a letter to be written. The content required in the letter can be either
  • Informal (To a friend, family member etc.)
  • Semi-Formal (To a colleague, teacher etc.)
  • Formal (Professional announcements, Letters of recommendation etc.)
  • Task 3 (Same for IELTS ACADEMIC and GENERAL TRAINING IELTS) Write an essay in response to a point of view, argument or problem (250 words approx.)

Format Of IELTS Writing Section

  • Task 2
  • Duration 60 minutes
  • Task 1 Candidates need to describe, explain or summarise data, processes or events presented through charts, tables, graphs or diagrams
  • Task 2 Candidates need to write an essay in response to a view, problem or argument.

IELTS Writing Score Calculations

The two IELTS writing assignments are graded separately by two distinct examiners. The four key factors are used to determine the IELTS writing band. Scores are assigned to candidates depending on each of the four criteria, such as: 

Task Achievement: Band 8 

Coherence and Cohesion: Band 7

Lexical Resource: 6 

Grammar: 8


4. IELTS Speaking (Same for Academic and General Training)

General Rules and Guidelines

  1. When the student enters the exam room:
  2. Smile and act confident
  3. Look at the examiner in the eyes
  4. Confidently introduce oneself
  5. Eliminate nervous gestures
  6. Wear smart clothing
  7. Speak clearly
  8. Project your voice
  9. Avoid repeating phrases
  10. Always say more than Yes or No

[Time: 11 – 14 minutes]

NOTE : All Speaking tests are recorded

IELTS Speaking Components

Below are the components of the IELTS speaking syllabus:

  • Part 1 (Introduction): This section of the test lasts 4-5 minutes and in it, the student may need to give longer answers to questions to ensure they show their best ability. Part 1 will see the examiner ask questions that will require the exam taker to talk about themselves, their likes and dislikes etc.
  • Part 2 (Individual Talk): The Candidate is given a verbal prompt on a card and is asked to talk about a particular topic. 1 minute preparation time before being asked to speak at length for up to 2 minutes. The examiner then asks 1 or 2 rounding-off questions.
  • Part 3 (Discussion Topics): The examiner and candidate engage in a discussion of more abstract issues and concepts which are linked to the topic in Part 2. The discussion lasts between 4 and 5 minutes. The examiner will ask questions that will reveal the Opinions and views of the test taker. Answers In part 3 will be longer and more detailed than in part 1.

Format Of IELTS Speaking Section

  • Parts Oral Interview (3 Parts)
  • Duration 11–14 minutes
  • Part 1 The examiner asks general questions about the candidate and things associated with him/ her like family details, studies, interests, home and work etc.
  • Part 2 The examiner asks the candidate to pick up a card and speak on the topic mentioned on the card. The examiner will also ask one or two questions related to the topic.
  • Part 3 The examiner asks further questions related to the topics in Part 2. This gives the candidate an opportunity to discuss more and provide abstract ideas and issues.

IELTS Speaking Score Calculations

The four levels of the IELTS speaking exam determine how well you talk. The arithmetic mean of all four criteria (for example, 6+7+&+8/4=7) is used to determine the IELTS Speaking Score.

There are two methods for preparing for IELTS: self-study and IELTS coaching classes. Which path you take is determined by your level of language proficiency and comfort. You do not need to attend coaching classes if you are already fluent in English; you can prepare for the exam on your own. You only need to determine when you should begin preparing for IELTS.

If you choose self-study to prepare for your IELTS exam, you must study from the top IELTS preparation books and resources that are widely available. Because you will be working alone, you should ensure that you are adequately prepared for the preparation step.

You can also choose to enrol in IELTS preparation classes.









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